Policy of Ukraine in the sphere of prevention and combating corruption: challenges and prospects for improvement aspects


  • Maksym Gryshchuk West Ukrainian National University




corruption, anti-corruption policy, anti-corruption strategy, anti-corruption tools, anti-corruption mechanism


The article provides a scientific and theoretical analysis of the current policy of the Ukrainian state in the field of preventing and overcoming corruption. The criteria of efficiency of the state anti-corruption policy are singled out, which include the quality of the legal framework, the responsibility of officials of public authorities for decision-making, the consistency and systemic nature of anti-corruption measures in public authorities and local governments. Factors that stimulate the existence of corruption in Ukraine are analyzed, including: organizational, manifested in the absence of clear regulation of officials, interaction of state apparatus and business entities, economic, characterized by weak market relations, and unlimited influence of public administration on formation of economic relations, political, manifested in the absence of political will, legal factors characterized by insufficient development of legislation on corruption, administrative factors manifested in the well-established system of personnel selection, which is manifested in the filling of vacancies through acquaintance, the lack of mechanisms to prevent the recruitment and career advancement of leaders and members of criminal groups, the lack of individual employees who will supervise and control such employees and described possible ways to eliminate them. In order to fulfill Ukraine's obligations under the Association Agreement with the EU to conduct an effective anti-corruption policy, the need to implement the provisions of the Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2020-2024, among which the introduction of a single unified system of collection, generalization and visualization of statistical information on the results of the National Agency, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, the State Bureau of Investigation, the National Agency of Ukraine for Detection, Investigation and Management of Assets Obtained from Corruption and Other Crimes, the National Police, Prosecutors, Courts and Other Government Bodies , investigation and consideration of cases (proceedings) on corruption and corruption-related offenses, as well as on the management of assets derived from corruption and other crimes is justified.


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How to Cite

Gryshchuk, Maksym. “Policy of Ukraine in the Sphere of Prevention and Combating Corruption: Challenges and Prospects for Improvement Aspects”. Actual Problems of Law, no. 2, Oct. 2021, pp. 23-28, https://doi.org/10.35774/app2021.02.023.