Public legal space


  • Valentyna Kravchuk West Ukrainian National University



legal space, social space, public space, public legal space, civic space, legal space of society


The article is devoted to investigating of public legal space, which, in the author's opinion, cannot be reduced to a simple plurality of individual legal spaces. Public legal space is proposed to be considered as the organization and interaction of certain social ties and processes, social relations; as a kind of social structure that covers the space of meanings, the connection of specific legal claims, relationships and actions of different legal entities; as a space for the realization of human rights, first of all, civil and political rights. Not every public space is legal, but one what is formed as a result of interaction with the legal environment and determines the features of the legal life of participants in public relations. Thus, the public legal space is a special form of social space, where relationships are formed and actions of various legal entities – from citizens to public associations and state institutions, where continuous human and institutional contacts take place.

The public legal space is aimed at ensuring the balance and stability of society, which provides for respect for the law as an essential regulator of public life, respect for human and civil rights and freedoms. The main legal values, in accordance with which the interaction of subjects in public space should take place, are order, freedom, responsibility, equality, justice.

The boundaries and understanding of public legal space expand and become more complicated with the development of civilization and human progress and in the course of social structuring, which actualizes further scientific research in this area, and in particular with the application of interdisciplinary approach.


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How to Cite

Kravchuk, Valentyna. “Public Legal Space”. Actual Problems of Law, no. 2, Oct. 2021, pp. 36-41,