Basic principles of mediation by notary in Ukraine


  • Maryna Myronenko National Aviation University



mediation, notary, notarial activity, principle, principles of mediation, notarial mediation, dispute settlement


Ensuring proper conditions for conducting mediation is the direct responsibility of the mediator, who must faithfully follow all the requirements of the law and the rules of its conduct. Modern notarial activity contains elements of mediation practice, and the requirements for a professional notary correspond to the requirements for a mediator. The essence of mediation is revealed in its social purpose and principles that shape the perception of it in society and determine the procedure for its implementation. The introduction of the institution of notarial mediation determines the relevance of the study of the main principles of its implementation with the aim of further highlighting the features of such mediation and improving the current legislation. The purpose of the article is research and formation of the system of basic principles of mediation, which is carried out by a notary in Ukraine. It was established that mediation by a notary must comply with the following basic principles: voluntariness; confidentiality; neutrality, independence and impartiality of the mediator; independence of the parties; equal rights of the parties; rule of law; legality; availability; voluntary and enforced execution of the agreement based on the results of mediation. It is emphasized that the defined list of principles of notarial mediation is not exhaustive, because the institution of mediation in Ukraine is at the nascent stage, while notaries have not yet developed a sufficient amount of practice in this area. It was determined that most of the basic principles that characterize the essence and meaning of mediation coincide or correlate with the classic principles of notarial activity, therefore the notary is a desirable participant in relations in the field of mediation. It was concluded that compliance with the principles of mediation both by the notary who conducts mediation and by the parties to the conflict (dispute) directly affects its quality, namely the achievement of the main goal - concluding an agreement based on the results of mediation on mutually beneficial terms.


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How to Cite

Myronenko, Maryna. “Basic Principles of Mediation by Notary in Ukraine”. Actual Problems of Law, no. 4, Mar. 2023, pp. 77-82,