The main directions of anti-corruption activities in Ukraine and their legal regulation


  • Mykola Kravchuk West Ukrainian National University
  • Iryna Petrovska Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



anti-corruption activity, corruption, prevention of corruption, corruption offenses, measures to prevent corruption, subjects of anti-corruption activity


This article discusses the main areas of anti-corruption activities and their legal regulation. It is noted that anti-corruption activities in Ukraine are carried out mainly in the direction of preventing corruption, which is specified through the definition of corruption and features of corruption, the allocation of areas of corruption risk (public administration, where there is a high probability of corruption). The main legal act in this area is the Law of Ukraine «On Prevention of Corruption».

For the organization of anti-corruption activities, corruption is seen as a system of corrupt relations based on illegal actions of public officials with corrupt gain and against the public interest.

Corruption, as a complex concept that encompasses a set of interrelated offenses, arises:

1) mainly between a subject of private law (party 1) and public law (party 2), including with the participation of intermediaries; less often – between subjects of public law (both parties); and between subjects of private law among themselves – only if at least one of them is endowed with delegated powers to represent the interests of the state or local government;

2) on the basis of the subject – the use of opportunities for the influence of the state / local government in the person of their authorized bodies on relations in society (its permitting, regulatory and control activities, other powers), which can meet the specific interests of public relations bypassing their general procedures implementation.

Anti-corruption activities in Ukraine are related to subjects of special competence, in particular the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption. Its activities are related to the implementation of precautionary measures: approval of anti-corruption programs of government and state and municipal enterprises, anti-corruption examination of regulations, consideration of allegations of corruption and sending them to jurisdiction, maintaining a register of persons who committed corruption violations, analysis of property declarations, etc. In addition to the NAPC, there are other specially created entities for anti-corruption activities.


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How to Cite

Kravchuk, Mykola, and Iryna Petrovska. “The Main Directions of Anti-Corruption Activities in Ukraine and Their Legal Regulation”. Actual Problems of Law, no. 2, Oct. 2021, pp. 49-56,