Problematic aspects of legal regulation of the surrogacy agreement in the context of harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with the legislation of the European Union


  • Liliia Paraschuk West Ukrainian National University
  • Ivanna Chaplia West Ukrainian National University



surrogacy, surrogacy agreement, surrogate child, reproductive technologies, service


One of the types of assisted reproductive technologies is surrogacy. Despite the fact that surrogacy has been used worldwide for centuries and promotes the right of a person to paternity / maternity, at present the attitude to it in different countries remains ambiguous - from a strict ban on its use to the use of surrogacy on a commercial basis.

The aim of the article is to study the problematic aspects of the legal regulation of the surrogacy agreement in Ukraine, to study the European experience in regulating legal relations that arise in the process of exercising the right to surrogacy.

The problem of legal regulation of relations on the provision of surrogacy services in Ukraine is considered. It was found that today in our country there is no clear regulation of the institution of surrogacy, which in practice violates the rights of the parties to the surrogacy agreement, as well as threatens the rights of children born as a result of surrogacy. Despite the lack of comprehensive regulation of surrogacy in the European Union, taking into account the positive experience of European countries and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights will contribute to the approximation of domestic legislation on surrogacy to European human rights standards.

The study concluded that the improvement of surrogacy in Ukraine should be improved by adopting a separate law that will take into account all important aspects related to the rights and obligations of the parties to the surrogacy agreement and the surrogate child.


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How to Cite

Paraschuk, Liliia, and Ivanna Chaplia. “Problematic Aspects of Legal Regulation of the Surrogacy Agreement in the Context of Harmonization of Ukrainian Legislation With the Legislation of the European Union”. Actual Problems of Law, no. 1, June 2022, pp. 70-76,