Lobbying as a legal concept from a general theoretical foreshortening


  • Valentyna Kravchuk West Ukrainian National University




lobbying, lobbyism, civil society, democracy, rule of law


The article is devoted to the general theoretical characteristics of lobbying as a certain appearance of self-organization of civil society and the form of its interaction with representative authorities, which creates opportunities to ensure the interests of the minority and achieve a compromise, represents the principles of freedom and democracy, and also generally activates political, state-making and law-making processes and phenomena. The article contains a historical overview of the emergence of this phenomenon, the reasons for the negative perception of lobbying in Ukraine.

The article also updates the problem of the correct use of the terms «lobbying» and «lobbyism», asserts the need to unify terminology and theoretical approaches to this practice of interest representation.

Theoretical approaches to the classification of lobbying are disclosed here. In particular, the following criteria are possible: according to the territorial level of promoting interests, lobbying can be central, regional and local; by field – social, political, economic, legal, etc.; by time – permanent, temporary, irregular (episodic); by nature – shadowy, democratic and institutionalized, etc.

The role and significance of lobbying are determined through the disclosure of its functions in a democratic and legal state, in particular: 1) mediation between society and the state; 2) «substitution» of official representatives of the people; 3) informing representatives of authorities about pressing problems; 4) setting of topical issues; 5) regulation of the diversity of public opinion.

The author concludes that the need for institutionalization of lobbying in Ukraine, its legalization and clear definition of goals, forms and methods is long overdue. In this regard, creative analysis of world experience in this area is also important. Only under such conditions will lobbying become an effective channel of interaction between civil society and the state.


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How to Cite

Kravchuk, Valentyna. “Lobbying As a Legal Concept from a General Theoretical Foreshortening”. Actual Problems of Law, no. 4, Mar. 2023, pp. 12-17, https://doi.org/10.35774/app2022.04.012.