Organizational and legal aspects of financial support of activities of the Prosecutor’s Office


  • Serhii Banakh West Ukrainian National University



financing, financial support, the Prosecutor’s Office, estimate, estimated financing


The article examines the issues of organizational and legal framework of financial support of the Prosecutor’s Office. Based on the study of scientists’ views on the essence of financial support for law enforcementagencies, the financial support of the Prosecutor’s Office is definedas a system of financial relations, which is clearly regulated by state and departmental regulations.

The author substantiated that the main tasks of the organization of financial support are to create appropriate conditions for the effective functioning of the Prosecutor’s Office. The main method of financial support of the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine is defined as budget financing, which means the allocation of funds for the maintenance of institutions, organizations, implementation of certain programs and implementation of measures on the basis of a special financial document - budget.

The conclusions state that the correct organization of financial support is the key to the success of the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine, allows to reduce costs and, accordingly, increase the efficiency of the Prosecutor's Office. Financial support for the activities of the prosecutor's office depends primarily on the financial capabilities of the state. The bodies of the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine are full-fledged subjects of financial relations, the participants of which are holders of legal rights and responsibilities and participate in the formation, distribution and use of the State Budget to perform their functions and ensure their own safety in professional activities.


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How to Cite

Banakh, Serhii. “Organizational and Legal Aspects of Financial Support of Activities of the Prosecutor’s Office”. Actual Problems of Law, vol. 1, no. 4, Mar. 2021, pp. 135-40,

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