Theoretical and legal aspects of understanding scientific and technical information as an object of civil relations


  • Nataliia Bashuryn Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



information, scientific and technical information, object, intellectual property law, copyright, patent law


The author emphasizes the complex nature of legal regulation of information relations with the priority of using the tools of civil law. It is also argued that STI as an object of intellectual property rights includes such a set of features as: creative nature; originality; novelty; objective form of expression. In addition, the article proves, that information (or scientific and technical information) may fall under the legal protection of both copyright law and legislation on the protection of industrial property rights, provided that they have signs of these objects of intellectual property law.

The article analyzes the basic concepts of understanding the rights arising from the objects of intellectual property rights: 1) the theory of understanding the objects of intellectual property rights as objects of property rights (the so-called proprietary theory); 2) the theory of exclusive rights to objects of intellectual property rights, including scientific and technical information. Also the author proves the correctness of the transition to the concept of exclusive property rights to information as an object of intellectual property rights, in connection with a set of such arguments: 1) the right to scientific and technical information and ownership of the thing in which it is embodied, do not depend on each other; b) when the right to scientific and technical information is transferred, there is no transfer of ownership to the form in which it is materialized; c) a thing that is a form of materialization of scientific and technical information is a document, information product, information resource, etc.

The author argues that the concept of exclusive intellectual property rights is characterized by such a set of features as: a) includes both property and non-property rights to the objects of intellectual property rights; b) the absolute nature of exclusive rights; c) a specific set of powers, including: the right to use and the right to dispose of this use. d) the right to dispose of an exclusive right, exists in two forms: granting the right and transfer of the right; e) the ownership of all rights to the object of intellectual property rights only to the subject of this right.


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How to Cite

Bashuryn, Nataliia. “Theoretical and Legal Aspects of Understanding Scientific and Technical Information As an Object of Civil Relations”. Actual Problems of Law, vol. 1, no. 1, May 2021, pp. 120-6,

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