Subject of authority as a plaintiff in administrative cases
subject of power, power functions, public service, subject of private law, defense, plaintiff, defendant, violated rights, discretionAbstract
This scientific article examines the subject of power in the administrative process on the basis of Ukrainian legislation and practice of the European Court of Human Rights. In accordance with the tasks of administrative proceedings, the subject of power is mainly in the procedural status of the defendant. In administrative proceedings, public and private interests are opposed, the powers of justice are combined and the authority of the public authority is responsible for the control of the law of the public authority. In a dispute between a citizen and the state, a fair objective assessment of the actions of a public authority is of particular importance for a judge, taking into account the priority of human and civil rights and freedoms. To date, a number of issues remain relevant that determine the grounds for applying to the court of a subject of authority, its status and the level of parity between the plaintiff and the defendant in the administrative process.
The article is aimed at establishing the legal status of the subject of power in the system of administrative proceedings through the prism of protection and the performance of delegated functions.
The subject of power is classified on the grounds of belonging to the authorities and management and in accordance with the official functions aimed at the exercise of power. Acts in court mainly as a defendant party in an administrative process, proving the legality of its actions or inaction in the case. According to the law, only in some cases acts as a plaintiff in administrative cases. The task of administrative proceedings in such cases is achieved by eliminating the threat of unjustified interference and violations the of the rights of the subject of power.
The subject of power has the right to appeal to the administrative court only in cases specified in the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine and in order to implement the powers vested in it. Judicial practice indicates that the authorities are endowed with authority not acting on an equal footing with other participants in the relevant relations and perform managerial functions aimed at providing state guarantees.
In court cases where the subject of power acts as a plaintiff to the subject of private law, the court is guided by the principle of proportionality as a universal general legal system aimed at ensuring a balance of private and public interests in the legal regulation.
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