Securing the loan agreement of an entity conducting private medical activity in Poland by means of an assignment of receivables from a contract with the Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia (National Health Fund)
the loan agreement of an entity, private medical activity, means of an assignment of receivablesAbstract
The subject of this article is an analysis of the possibility of securing a loan agreement of an entity conducting non-public medical activity in Poland by means of the assignment of receivables under the contract with the National Health Fund. The author of this publication focused on considering whether, in the light of the law, non-public entities conducting medical activity in Poland may secure their debts incurred for medical activity under contracts with the National Health Fund in agreements with banks. Is it possible, despite the fact that it is not possible for a non-public entity conducting medical activity in Poland to assign the contract for the provision of healthcare services to the bank, to guarantee the bank an effective collection of receivables from the National Health Fund, which are due to private hospitals for healthcare services provided.
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