Procedural independence of the investigator in criminal proceedings
investigator, procedural status, criminal proceedings, pre-trial investigation, tasks of criminal proceedingsAbstract
The article mentions the important place of the investigator in the criminal process of Ukraine. The investigator is the central and main figure in the pre-trial investigation, who is responsible for investigating the circumstances of the criminal proceedings. However, the current CPC of Ukraine does not clearly regulate the procedural position of the investigator, significantly narrows his powers and limits his independence in making procedural decisions, which in practice often leads to delays in the pre-trial investigation and its ineffectiveness. Its role in the process of proving and in general the implementation of the tasks of criminal proceedings is assessed.Therefore, one of the areas of work of pre-trial investigation bodies is the investigative activity of the investigator, the purpose of which is to take all measures provided by law for prompt, complete and impartial investigation of a criminal offense so that everyone who committed it was brought to justice. . Such measures include those that prevent attempts by the suspect to abscond from the pre-trial investigation and / or court.Emphasis is placed on the need to study the meaning of the concept of procedural status of the investigator and the functional orientation of his activities. In view of the above, we propose to understand the procedural independence of the investigator - autonomous procedural activities of the investigator during the pre-trial investigation, aimed at a comprehensive, complete and impartial investigation of criminal proceedings to achieve the objectives of criminal proceedings based on freedom of decision , guaranteeing the achievement of the purpose of the investigator, regardless of the actions, decisions, interests of others, responsibility for the legality and timeliness of procedural actions.References
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