The paradigm of military intelligence development in Ukraine


  • Yuliia Muravska West Ukrainian National University



military intelligence, intelligence activities, military actions, security & defense, national security


In modern conditions of military conflict in Ukraine, scientific issues of intelligence activity functioning as an important mechanism for obtaining strategic information in the process of counteraction to the hybrid war is extremely relevant and multifaceted. The military intelligence is an important direction of intelligence activity. Based on the long-term objective of joining the pan-European system of collective security, Ukraine is building new approaches to ensure the national security. The purpose of this article is to review the theoretical and practical aspects of military exploration, the current state of intelligence activities legal provision in Ukraine, as well as additional and alternative forms of strategic and tactical data. The active phase of military confrontation and russian aggression on the territory of Ukraine dictates new modern rules for the formation of an effective mechanism for national security, including, the improving of intelligence bodies activities in the context of adaptation to various forms of hostilities against the background of the necessary structural transformations to ensure intelligence in Ukraine. Particularly important task of exploration activity of Ukraine is today's pursuit, collection and analysis of information for the evidence base formation on russian aggression and crimes on the territory of Ukraine. The article emphasizes on determining the factors of military exploration, conditions, advantages and disadvantages of strategic, tactical and operational intelligence. At the same time, a conclusion on the current situation regarding the state of military intelligence in Ukraine in the context of building the system of measures to combat hybrid war. Prospective examinations in the field of intelligence activity in Ukraine and its legal regulation are considered to be actual in future scientific work.


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How to Cite

Muravska, Yuliia. “The Paradigm of Military Intelligence Development in Ukraine”. Actual Problems of Law, no. 1, June 2022, pp. 102-6,

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