Foreign experience of combating organized crime in the sphere of finance and the possibility of its application in Ukraine


  • Liubov Androsovych National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine



organized crime, foreign experience of combating criminal groups, offenses in the field of finance


In the conditions of building a rule of law, reforming the political and economic system in Ukraine, countering organized crime, which harms the state, destabilizes the financial sphere, negatively affects the state of economic security, and complicates the already difficult criminogenic situation, is becoming more and more urgent.

Organized crime has long gone beyond national interests. Today it has turned into a worldwide problem. Criminal groups increasingly go beyond the borders of one state, creating analogues of transnational companies engaged in criminal business. The trend of including Ukrainian crime in transnational criminal structures that concentrate their activities in the financial sphere is being followed.

One of the reasons for this is the lack of mechanisms that combine the efforts of the branches of government, law enforcement agencies, as well as the insufficient level of cooperation with similar structural divisions of foreign countries in countering manifestations of organized crime, in particular in the field of finance.

Recently, Ukraine has introduced a multi-vector approach to combating crime, which consists in the implementation of state influence on certain types of crime. But still, in our opinion, the problem remains, which consists in the fact that today there is no balanced and predictable approach at the state level to the formation of various strategies in the security sector, and there is also a slowdown in the implementation of law enforcement strategies in certain areas, which affects the effectiveness of preventing certain types of crimes and crime in general. That is why the study of modern progressive foreign experience in preventing and countering organized crime, in particular in the field of finance, is relevant.

The purpose of the article is to study foreign experience in preventing and countering organized crime in the financial sphere, clarifying the possibilities of its application in Ukraine in modern conditions.


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How to Cite

Androsovych, Liubov. “Foreign Experience of Combating Organized Crime in the Sphere of Finance and the Possibility of Its Application in Ukraine”. Actual Problems of Law, no. 2, Nov. 2022, pp. 31-37,

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