Legal principles of cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union in law enforcement
European Union, cooperation, Europol, Eurojust, European Agency FrontexAbstract
The article examines the legal basis of Ukraine’s cooperation with the European Union in the field of law enforcement, identifies its main areas. It is pointed out that the constant interaction between the EU institutions and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine is extremely important at the present stage and contributes to the active fight against transnational crime. The main focus is on Ukraine’s cooperation with EU agencies aimed at combating transnational crime, including the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol), the European Organization for Justice (Eurojust), the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at External Borders. Of the European Union (Frontex). The main agreements on the basis of which the relevant EU and Ukrainian agencies cooperate are analyzed. It is established that the main areas of cooperation between Europol and Ukraine are the exchange of expertise, general information, results of strategic analysis, information on criminal investigation procedures, information on crime prevention methods, advice and support in individual criminal investigations. An important area of cooperation between Ukraine and Eurojust is the exchange of data, the establishment of joint investigation teams, and the provision of expert and practical support for their activities. The European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the EU Member States together with the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine combats illegal migration and cross-border crime through border controls, promotes security at the borders between EU member states and Ukraine. It was concluded that Ukraine needs to deepen cooperation between European Union agencies in order to effectively combat crime.
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