International protection of human rights during armed conflicts
The European Court of Human Rights, the Geneva Convention of 1949, an armed conflict of a non-international nature, human rights and their fundamental freedomsAbstract
This work examines an issue that affects the most important problems of today, in particular, the relationship between the norms and principles of international law and human rights and their basic freedoms during international armed conflicts, in connection with the violation of Article 2 of the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. One of the important issues of the relationship between the norms and principles of international human rights law and their fundamental freedoms, which apply to Article 2 of the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and violate it, is highlighted.
The purpose of this work is to identify problems related to the protection of human rights and freedoms during armed conflict, on the basis of the analysis of current international and national legislation, including taking into account specific features in Ukraine. One of the main analytical methods is a comparative analysis that analyzes international humanitarian law and international human law by comparing national practice of implementing human rights protection systems with a legal framework governing the subject of research at several national and international levels.
It is noted that international humanitarian law plays an important role in respecting and regulating human rights during armed conflict. This article explains the main differences between international humanitarian law and international human rights. It analyzes the protection of human rights in accordance with international human rights and international humanitarian law, as well as retrospectively analyzes their formation.
According to the results of comparative analysis, the conclusion was made that the overwhelming number of modern armed conflicts is not international in nature, which is defined Features of human rights protection in these conditions. The formation of legal regulation and its changes from the very beginning of the armed conflict in Ukraine and the state of human rights protection.
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