Public control over the activities of local government bodies under the conditions of marital state
local self-government bodies, public control, national legislation, martial law, government-public interactionAbstract
The article analyzes the peculiarities of public control over the activities of local self-government bodies during the war. The definition of the concept of «public control» has been clarified, as well as the subjects of implementation of this control. The importance of the functioning of the institution of local self-government in the conditions of martial law due to the performance of a number of functions that are directly related to the vital activities of the community has been established. In particular, it is about rebuilding the destroyed infrastructure, providing the population with food products, organizing the educational process, registering internally displaced persons, ensuring the operation of public transport, etc. At the same time, wartime conditions dictate certain legislative obstacles in the implementation of public control. In particular, the work of deputy commissions and local councils may take place in a closed format and, accordingly, their draft decisions may not be made public. In addition, information contained in public electronic registers may temporarily become inaccessible to citizens. An analysis of the legal forms of direct community participation in solving issues of local importance, such as: local referendum, general assembly, local initiative, public hearings, was carried out. It is also mentioned about other forms of public participation in the process of activities of local self-government bodies, in particular voter assignments to their local council members, citizens' appeals, the number of which has increased significantly in recent times, consultative surveys on the needs and interests of the community. Conclusions were made about the importance of maintaining and developing the relationship between the community and local self-government bodies in extremely difficult times. It is determined that these can be remote meetings, online consultations and any other forms of implementation of legal tools, taking into account security rules.
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