Peculiarities of public legal relations to create proper conditions for the activity of the bar


  • Iryna Bosa National Academy of Internal Affairs



public law, private law, criteria for the division into private and public law, proper conditions for advocacy, creation of proper conditions for advocacy


The article demonstrates that law is a complex multi-level phenomenon, therefore, in order to study it, it is necessary to consider all subsystems that are part of it.

It has been updated that public legal relations to create proper conditions for the activity of the bar are of great importance at a time when Ukraine wants to become a full member of the European Union. Therefore, the activity of the bar in Ukraine must be guaranteed by the state, which meets European standards.

The thesis that the division of law into public law and private law is only one type of division of law gained further development. It is noted that law can be divided into material and procedural, into branches, sub-branches, institutions, legal norms. It is highlighted that a comprehensive approach to the consideration of any legal phenomenon makes it possible to more deeply and objectively find out its essence and content.

It has been demonstrated that there is a point of view according to which it is considered inappropriate to divide the right into private and public. It was revealed that the majority of scientists adhere to the necessity of dividing into private and public law, although there is no unanimous opinion on the criteria for dividing. It is considered that the criteria for dividing the right into public and private are two groups of features: 1) internal features (interest, initiative of protection) and external features (method of legal regulation, subject composition, type of legal norms).

It is emphasized that the bar, not being a state body, but a self-governing organization, performs an important function inherent to the state - ensuring compliance with the law, eliminating its violations. The purpose of the existence of the bar as an institution of professional protection and representation is to provide qualified legal assistance to all who need it.

It is presented that the proper conditions for the activity of the bar are the possibilities of the bar to implement its tasks for the protection of people's rights, acting as a self-governing organization, effectively, qualifiedly, with the best result of achieving the set goal. It is emphasized that the creation by the state of proper conditions for the activity of the bar is a set of legal and organizational measures for the formation and organization of the bar as an institution that, rather than being a state body, performs the functions of the state to protect the rights of individuals and legal entities.


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How to Cite

Bosa, Iryna. “Peculiarities of Public Legal Relations to Create Proper Conditions for the Activity of the Bar”. Actual Problems of Law, no. 2, Sept. 2023, pp. 41-46,

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