Social protection of military officers under the conditions of the state of martial: separate legal aspects
social protection, protection of persons with disabilities, psychological assistance, one-time cash assistanceAbstract
The article examines the issue of social benefits and payments to servicemen who became disabled under martial law.
Social standards that ensure social protection of servicemen are considered, where the state’s activities are aimed at establishing a system of legal and social guarantees that ensure the realization of constitutional rights and freedoms, and the satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of servicemen.
The range of legislative acts regulating this issue is outlined, namely the Laws of Ukraine «On social and legal protection of military personnel and members of their families», «On the status of war veterans, guarantees of their social protection», which reflect the latest legislative changes.
In Ukraine, the protection of persons with disabilities is one of the state priorities. State social policy is aimed at improving the living conditions and financial situation of such persons, and also creates conditions for persons with disabilities to exercise all their rights, taking into account their interests when making all state decisions.
It has been established that the payments received by persons with disabilities are high, but insufficient for the full realization of all interests and a dignified life, therefore the disabled continue to be one of the least well-off categories of citizens in Ukraine. The state must take into account international standards and integrate them into our society in order to improve the social protection of all persons with disabilities. It is necessary to constantly change and improve national legislation in order to strengthen the protection of such persons.
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