Features of the administrative and legal regulation of public service and observance of service limitations in the conditions of war or other state of emergency





military camp, public service, boundary, fence, legal regulation


The publication analyzes the essence and specificity of the legal regimes of the military and superintendent states, seeing their signs and specificity of the problem. It was emphasized that the military aggression of the Russian Federation against our land meant a significant transformation of the legal regulation of the status of public services, the organization of their work, the procedures for entering and leaving the public service. Restrictions and restrictions have been established for public servants who have recognized significant transformations during the war period, divided into two groups: 1) procedural (related to entry into public service and from ї passages, including nutrition, transfer, change of minds, work, vacancy); 2) anti-corruption (related to the existing anti-corruption legislation).

It has been brought to light that the peculiarities of public service under the legal regime of the military regime mean: the extension of public service in the bodies of state power and local self-government, subjects of the security and defense sector of Ukraine to service at the facilities is critical ї infrastructure; exchange of labor constitutional rights related to the security of the right to work, time to work and vacancy, the activity of professional vocational schools, the establishment and dissolution of the employment contract; a reduction in anti-corruption measures was possible when a person was appointed to public service in terms of carrying out special verifications, withdrawing gifts, and issuing certificates about Volodymyr sovereignty; the installation of a fence for public servants to remove the planting bonds in a remote mode, located behind the cordon, due to the immediate possibility of their removal on the territory of Ukraine for weather conditions.

The need to systematize the system of regulatory and legal acts that regulate the nutrition of public service during the war period was emphasized.


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How to Cite

Shovkun, Yurii. “Features of the Administrative and Legal Regulation of Public Service and Observance of Service Limitations in the Conditions of War or Other State of Emergency”. Actual Problems of Law, no. 4, Mar. 2024, pp. 30-36, https://doi.org/10.35774/app2023.04.030.

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