Ways to Improve the Judicial System of Ukraine in the Context of Current Challenges





structure of courts, access to justice, specialized courts, judicial system, participants of economic relations


The article is devoted to the problem of improving the structure of courts with a view to protecting the rights of all members of society, ensuring a real opportunity for access to justice, optimizing the costs of maintaining courts, and making their activities more efficient. Based on the analysis of the current legislation, the authors of the article analyze and characterize the fundamental principles of the court system, namely, territoriality, specialization and instance, as well as the components of the vertical of the judicial system, with a view to creating and operating an optimal system of higher specialized courts for resolving certain categories of cases. To this end, the author examines the issues of optimization of the structure of the judicial system of Ukraine in terms of expediency, proportional distribution of the workload and reduction of budgetary expenditures. The authors of the article analyze the possibility of using the existing resources of local general courts, together with the use of the existing human resources of the judicial system and the widespread introduction of new technical capabilities, ensuring citizens' access to the available electronic services, and moving away from the expediency of hearing cases in a particular city (a particular court building). In particular, the author analyzes and weighs the feasibility of maintaining them as courts of a separate specialization in the context of further judicial reform using the example of the economic courts vertical.


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How to Cite

Babkova, Tetiana, and Iryna Teslenko. “Ways to Improve the Judicial System of Ukraine in the Context of Current Challenges”. Actual Problems of Law, no. 4, Mar. 2024, pp. 45-50, https://doi.org/10.35774/app2023.04.045.

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