Mediation as a Method of Resolving Civil Legal Disputes




dispute, alternative dispute resolution methods, mediation, mediator, parties


Modern European integration processes require the search for alternative methods of resolving disputes, one of which is a mediation.

It has been examined the concept of mediation as an alternative method of resolving civil legal disputes. It is established that in science, mediation is considered as a process of dispute resolution, a way of dispute resolution, a system of actions, a form of dispute resolution, a method of dispute resolution. All definitions of this concept gives the common goal of mediation - resolution of the dispute by the parties with the help of an independent person (a mediator) without recourse to a jurisdictional body.

Based on the legal definition of mediation, it has been deistinguihed the main features: 1) mediation is an out-of-court procedure; 2) voluntariness; 3) confidentiality; 4) availability of a structured mediation procedure; 5) participation in this procedure by a third party who assists the parties in resolving the dispute, but does not directly make the decision.

It has been described the principles of mediation i.e. voluntariness, confidentiality, neutrality, independence and impartiality of the mediator, self-determination and equal rights of the mediation parties.

The research is also analyses the doctrinal and normative provisions on this issue. It is emphasized that mediation is an effective method of resolving disputes in the field of intellectual property law.

It is concluded that mediation is an alternative method of resolving a civil legal dispute, which is aimed at reaching a mutually acceptable solution based on the mutually agreed will of the parties with the participation of an independent and impartial person (the mediator).

The advantages of using mediation as a method of resolving civil legal disputes are indicated, namely: saving money; the decision on the merits of the dispute is made by the parties themselves by mutual agreement; saving time, since the preparation and consideration of the case in court is a longer process; privacy; preservation of partnership relations between the parties.


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How to Cite

Sloma, Valentyna. “Mediation As a Method of Resolving Civil Legal Disputes”. Actual Problems of Law, no. 4, Mar. 2024, pp. 89-93,

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