The status of the injured victim in criminal proceedings




victim, victim status, victim's right, participant in criminal proceedings, criminal process, criminal proceedings


In Ukraine, the regulation of the status of the victim is carried out by the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. For this, a separate paragraph called «The victim and his representative» is allocated in chapter 3 and defines the main provisions regarding their position as participants in criminal proceedings.

The study of the article is aimed at studying the status of the victim as an injured party in criminal proceedings, his rights and guarantees provided by law.

The status of a person whose rights and interests have been violated as a result of an offense committed against him is interdisciplinary and occurs in various fields of law, therefore, a comprehensive consideration of such a person as a participant in the criminal process is no less important. Branches where it is used: criminal, criminal procedural, civil and civil procedural law. In this context, the violation of the victim's rights is a violation of the law, as a set of universally binding rules of conduct.

The article carries out a comparative analysis of such statuses as «victim» and «victim» and concludes that they are not identical, taking into account their role and procedural possibilities during the proceedings.

The work also characterizes the stages of criminal procedural activity of the victim during criminal proceedings, because each of them is special and involves a certain set of rights and processes.

A study of the rights of victims during criminal proceedings and the problems of ensuring them was carried out. In ensuring the rights of victims, which are established by the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, there are a number of problems associated with explaining the rights themselves to the victims, determining in practice the moment of their acquisition, compensation for damage and other factors.


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How to Cite

Dekailo, Petro, and Viktoriia Yarmus. “The Status of the Injured Victim in Criminal Proceedings”. Actual Problems of Law, no. 1, Apr. 2024, pp. 234-8,

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