The influence of European standards of advocacy on national legislation in the field of advocacy




attorney, human rights, activity of an attorney, European standards, attorney ethics, independence, confidentiality


With the development of European integration and changes in international law, the influence of European standards on national legislation is becoming more and more significant. In the field of advocacy, this influence is of particular importance, as it determines the legal status of attorneys, their rights and obligations, as well as the principles of professional ethics. This article is aimed at analyzing this influence and determining its role in the formation and development of national legislation in the field of advocacy. The relevance of this article is due to the growing importance of European standards in the formation and development of national advocacy systems, especially in the context of European integration. In today's conditions of globalization of legal systems and strengthening of international cooperation, the implementation of European standards is an important step towards the harmonization of legal norms and ensuring high standards of justice.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of European advocacy standards on national legislation in the field of advocacy, as well as to determine the role of these standards in the formation and development of the legal system. The research is aimed at identifying key aspects of the integration of European standards into national regulations, evaluating the effectiveness of these changes and their impact on ensuring high standards of justice.

In conclusion, the results of this study emphasize that the implementation of European advocacy standards has a significant positive impact on national legislation in the area of advocacy. These standards contribute to the increase of professional requirements for lawyers, ensure their independence, guarantee equal access to justice, stimulate the reform of national legislation and increase the role of professional associations of lawyers. The implementation of European standards helps to create an efficient and fair legal system that meets the modern challenges and needs of society.


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How to Cite

Shchepaniuk, Yurii. “The Influence of European Standards of Advocacy on National Legislation in the Field of Advocacy”. Actual Problems of Law, no. 2, Oct. 2024, pp. 41-45,

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