Labor migration: features of legal regulation




labor migration, migrant worker, employment, labor relations


The article is dedicated to the issues of legal regulation of labor migration. In writing the article, the author analyzed the provisions of international legal acts, national legislation, and scientific literature concerning the interpretation of the concept of «migrant worker» and the definition of their legal status. It is proposed to consider a migrant worker as an individual who has arrived in the host country for the purpose of employment and is engaged in labor activities in accordance with the laws of that country. Depending on the duration of the migrant worker's stay outside their home country, labor migration is divided into long-term, temporary, and seasonal migration.

It is determined that intergovernmental agreements play an important role in regulating labor relations for migrant workers, as they establish the conditions for employment and guarantees of workers' rights.

The article highlights problematic aspects of labor migration. It concludes that the increasing number of migrants presents new challenges for states, arising from the need to guarantee rights and provide protection for migrant workers, as well as to create conditions that would facilitate the return of migrant workers to their countries of citizenship. To avoid negative consequences of migration processes, it is necessary to improve the legal regulation of labor relations, taking into account modern realities and needs.


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How to Cite

Sloma , Valentyna. “Labor Migration: Features of Legal Regulation”. Actual Problems of Law, no. 4, Feb. 2025, pp. 140-5,

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