Legislative support of the process of formation and functioning of the land market in Ukraine


  • Olha Zyhrii Ternopil National Economic University




moratorium, land market, land code, land, ownership, sale and purchase.


The article deals with issues related to market reforms in Ukraine, including land. The primary importance is to provide the sustainable development, good management, welfare and economic opportunities for citizens. It is very actual research in the field of land policy and analysis of concrete measures for solution of problems related to land under conditions.

It is considered that the impact of the requirements of the International Monetary Fund, where there is the urgent problem of the enactment of the law of the turnover of agricultural land.  Situations that may occur in Ukraine due to the removal of the moratorium on land sales are analyzed. Positive and negative sides of the moratorium and the introduction of the land market are investigated. It is revealed that the issue of land ownership, namely the possession, use and disposal of land resources in agriculture which require further discussion. It is made the detailed analysis of the impact of market opening of agricultural land on economic well-being and potential profit (loss) of various stakeholders. It is established that, purchase and sale of land will increase farm efficiency, promote economic growth in of the village, agricultural sector, increase the export potential of the country, facilitate access to credit for small and medium businesses. We consider macroeconomic factors, standard of living, investment climate, social norms and demographic characteristics of the population, measures of state regulation, natural features, physical characteristics of the land. It is proposed suggestions concerning the formation and development of the agricultural land, the establishment of reliable institutional and regulatory framework of functioning market and real protection of  rights of owners.


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How to Cite

Zyhrii, Olha. “Legislative Support of the Process of Formation and Functioning of the Land Market in Ukraine”. Actual Problems of Law, vol. 1, no. 2, July 2019, pp. 117-21, https://doi.org/10.35774/app2019.02.117.

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