To the question of digital jurisdiction
innovation activity, digitalization, digital economy, digital jurisprudence, e-governmentAbstract
The article deals with the concept and essence of "digital" jurisprudence, as an integral part of innovation activity. The author analyzes the main areas of development of "digital" jurisprudence, especially the application of methods of legal technology in innovation activities.
Digital computer technology in the legal field is quite a new, complex, systemic and multilevel phenomenon, with the advent of which jurisprudence rationalized. In many modern states, science and new information technologies, with the help of the law, are ranked as the main national priorities. That is why, when in Ukraine yesterday, in these countries of the world already tomorrow. Paraphrasing the famous saying, one can say who owns modern information technologies, he owns the world.
An analysis of the regulatory framework for the development of the "digital" economy of Ukraine shows that terminological uncertainty and a certain contradiction are characteristic in this area. The "digital" economy needs proper regulatory regulation, where the principles of "decentralization" of state services and state information policy are clearly defined on the basis of a clear and correct conceptual apparatus, and specifies the areas of implementation of the "digital" economy, the main of which should be the provision of information security of the state.
The ideas of the "digital" economy should precede "digital" jurisprudence, which provides both the field of law-making and the process of enforcement. The absence of such a link leads to the ineffectiveness of the proposed program and conceptual measures.
One of the important factors in the implementation of the "digital" economy of Ukraine is the introduction of the national system of electronic interaction "Trembita" in 2019.References
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