Methods and Principles of Activity of Subjects of Administrative-Legal Relations in the Field of Urban Planning
subjects, urban planning, principles, methods, construction industry, public administrationAbstract
In the article has been explored the methods of activity of subjects of administrative-legal relations in the field of urban development. It has been stated that state policy in the field of construction should have a complete toolkit: a system of means for transferring decisions, tracking their implementation, adjusting plans and measures, attracting the necessary material and human resources, evaluating the implementation of the policy.
There has been stated two views on the formation of methods, as a separate branch of law - town planning or construction law, or as methods in the field of urban planning with reference to the existing branch of law: administrative, economic, civil.
It has been concluded that among the most studied methods of legal regulation of the specific for different branches of law determine - imperative and dispositive. The imperative method is aimed at the emergence, alteration or termination of legal relations in the field of urban development and is implemented by the system of public authorities through enforcement which results in the issuance of a law enforcement act, the provision of which the subjects of these legal relations acquire specific legal rights and obligations.
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