State polisy in the field of education of Ukraine: essence and content


  • Nazar Nohas Ternopil National Economic University



education, public educational politic, state administration, legal politics, reformation of education


Taking into account works of modern science of administrative law in this article the basic forms of public policy are illuminated in industries of education, their essence and maintenance. The different going come true near determinations "education", "pulic educational politics" in the context of further reformation of the system of formation of Ukraine on the whole. Directions and suggestions are certain in relation to the improvement of quality in industry of national education.
Convinced, that today Ukraine stands on a threshold to introduction of own politics and strategy of development, that is substantially certain with world tendencies and distinguishes education as higher sphere of vital functions. Consider that legal politics in industry of education one of main directions of public policy, that combines an aim, task, principles, expected results, mechanisms and must: to react on changes that take place in society and state; to have component character and settle any problem in intercommunication with other problems; to be effective and have authority among a population.
Deem it wise to offer suggestions in relation to the improvement of quality of education in the context of public politic in industry of education.
Firstly, to conduct reformation in education: to renew a normative base in accordance with the requirements of time; to work on creation and realization of educational models, new educational establishments for the receipt of quality education (informatization; modern material and technical base).
Secondly, to modernize the structure of higher education and structurally to provide economic and social guarantees for professional self-realization of pedagogical and scientifically-pedagogical workers.
Thirdly, it is necessary to change going near a management educational industry with the aim of transformation of the system of preparation of specialists in accordance with modern requirements, providing of social integration and development of personality.


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How to Cite

Nohas, Nazar. “State Polisy in the Field of Education of Ukraine: Essence and Content”. Actual Problems of Law, vol. 1, no. 1, Apr. 2020, pp. 87-95,

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