DOI:Ключові слова:
good faith, general principles of civil legislation, principle of civil legislation, contractual obligations, contractual relations, update (recodification) of Ukraine's civil legislation, private lawАнотація
The article is dedicated to the principle of good faith in contractual obligations in the context of the update of civil legislation and its harmonization with European Union law. It explores the principle of good faith in contractual obligations in the Civil Codes of Ukraine, Germany, and France, as well as in international codifications of private law principles. The article concludes that in the Civil Codes of Germany and France, the principle of good faith is enshrined in general terms, similar to the formulations in the Civil Code of Ukraine. It is revealed that the principle of good faith in contractual obligations in the practice of the Supreme Court is often associated with the doctrine of "venire contra factum proprium" (the prohibition of contradictory behavior). Criteria for good faith conduct in contractual relations applied in judicial practice are identified.
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