Ключові слова:
конституційна юстиція, юрисдикція, конституційний контроль, правова охорона конституції.Анотація
Цимбалістий Т., Росоляк О. Інститут конституційної юстиції в правовій системі України.
Проаналізовано особливості становлення і розвитку інституту конституційної юстиції як в світі загалом, так і в Україні зокрема. Визначено місце і значення даного інституту в системі правової охорони конституції і механізмі держави. Досліджено функції органів конституційної юрисдикції, правова природа їх актів.
Цимбалистый Т., Росоляк О. Институт конституционной юстиции в правовой системе Украины.
Проанализировано особенности становления и развития института конституционной юстиции как в мире в целом, так и в Украине в частности. Определено место и значение данного института в системе правовой охраны конституции и механизме государства. Исследовано функции органов конституционной юрисдикции, правовая природа их актов.
Tsymbalistyi T., Rosolyak О. Institute of constitutional justice in the legal system of Ukraine.
This paper analyzes the features of the formation and development of the institution of constitutional justice in the world as a whole and in Ukraine in particular. The place and importance of this institution in the system of legal protection of the constitution and the mechanism of the state. We study the function of constitutional jurisdiction , the legal nature of their acts.
It is noted that the institution of constitutional justice is of particular importance in the system of separation of powers. As a judicial body, the Constitutional Court in its status refers to the system of higher public authorities, at the level of institutions of state power as the head of state , parliament, government . For some the same features Constitutional Court is above these bodies , as through the implementation of fundamental justice it may affect their activities by deciding cases on the constitutionality of acts issued by them, official and compulsory interpretation of the constitution and laws of the state.
Specifies the special legal nature of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine as a public authority. There are two aspects of his work: on the one hand it is the content of constitutional control on the other - the relevant authority implemented the Constitutional Court of Ukraine as a judicial body in the form of constitutional justice.
Talking about the place of the institution of constitutional justice in the mechanism by State notes that he has a special place in the system of separation of powers. As a judicial body, the Constitutional Court in its status refers to the system of higher public authorities, at the level of institutions of state power as the head of state , parliament, government. For some the same features Constitutional Court is above these bodies , as through the implementation of fundamental justice it may affect their activities by deciding cases on the constitutionality of acts issued by them, official and compulsory interpretation of the constitution and laws of the state.
It is noted that today the institute of constitutional justice has a universal nature - it is inherent in most modern states. In addition, it has become an essential feature of a democratic state, the most effective legal guarantee of the rule of the constitution, the main element in the mechanism of legal protection.
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Волвенко П. В. Діяльність Конституційного Суду України щодо тлумачення Конституції України: теоретичний аспект : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. юрид. наук : 12.00.01 / В. П. Волвенко. – К., 2006. – 20 с.