Electronic evidence as a new type of evidence in administrative judiciary





administrative proceedings, evidence, electronic evidence, electronic document, electronic digital signature


The article deals with the peculiarities of the evidence by means of electronic evidence. There is a great deal of electronic evidence available today and they are gaining in popularity and proliferation in the institution of evidence, which is an important component of administrative justice.  Such popularity is driven by the judicial reform adopted in 2017. This topic has been and is currently being considered by scientists, but it still needs more analysis.  In particular, we believe that the most important topic is disclosure: the use of evidence in practice, because there are many problems in proving the use of such evidence. The object of the study is the procedural legal relationship of the proving of the circumstances in specific administrative cases.  In particular, using of new types of evidence, so-called electronic evidence, in administrative proceedings.

In the article is revealed the essence of the concept of "electronic evidence", are characterized their features.  Examples of evidence, such as, information from websites, correspondence, social networks, etc., sources of their receipt and where they are stored are also considered.  The issue of supporting such evidence with an electronic signature is highlighted, which is equally important.  And part of the article is devoted to the peculiarities of presenting such evidence to court in administrative cases.

During the course of the scientific research it became clear to us that the rules of the current legislation do not contain clear instructions on the procedure for the use of electronic data in the process of proof, in particular in administrative proceedings. It is also worth emphasized the problems that arise in the process of proof while using electronic evidence.  The main issue that needs to be resolved is the clear regulation of the procedure for collecting, filing and presenting such evidence in court, as the study shows that the legislator has identified only general principles for their application in practice.  Also, the recognition of the document as a copy or an original remains unaddressed because it does not have clear criteria for their delineation.

We believe that this topic is quite relevant nowadays and has not been disclosed, and it should be the subject of research by many scientists.    


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How to Cite

Verbitska, Mariana, and Viktoriia Botvynnyk. “Electronic Evidence As a New Type of Evidence in Administrative Judiciary”. Actual Problems of Law, vol. 1, no. 1, Apr. 2020, pp. 48-51, https://doi.org/10.35774/app2020.01.048.

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